Instructional Videos

Monday, February 18, 2013

Guidelines Reminder

Please remember to observe the guidelines posted in the Production Room.

There have been several recent incidents of students using spray mount glue in the Production Room.  This is not permitted.  Use the Spray Booth (room 108) for any projects that require any kind of spray.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Building Closed

Hi, all:

Since the main building is closed right now, the Production Room will open at 1pm today.  Stay tuned for updates.

Thank you.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Guillotine Blade

Update:  The Guillotine blade is back, and the machine is back in business!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Happy start of Spring Quarter!

This is a heads-up to anyone who may need to use the Guillotine: The blade has been sent out for sharpening, and it should be back at the end of next week.

Also, the blade for the large Kutrimmer has been replaced.

Thank you!